Fixed-Route Information


Day Service

Daytime SMTD fixed-route buses operate in the Springfield area from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday-Saturday. Regular routes start from and return to the transfer center. 

Night Service

Nine night service routes operate Monday through Friday. The first bus leaves the transfer center at 6:00 p.m. The last bus leaves at 10:00 p.m., ending its trip back at the transfer center.


When your destination cannot be reached by traveling one bus route, ask the driver for a transfer when you pay the fare. Transfers are free and are good for the next scheduled bus wherever bus routes meet. Transfers may not be used to board the same route a transfer was issued from.

Real-time Information

All SMTD buses are equipped with GPS systems. Our Bus Tracker allows you to view upcoming arrivals for a chosen stop and display a map that tracks up to multiple routes at the same time. You can also sign up for a free Bus Tracker account to receive automatic emails for system-wide or route-specific bulletins as well as arrival times for specific stops. Our real-time information is also available in apps you already use like Google Maps.

Accessible Transit

All SMTD buses are lift-equipped. Buses also have a kneeling feature that lowers the step distance from the ground level. You should request this if you want the kneeling feature.

People with disabilities who are unable to use SMTD buses may ride Access Sangamon after receiving certification from SMTD. 


Buses are NOT in service on following holidays:

  • New Year's Day (1/1)

  • Memorial Day (last Monday of May)

  • Independence Day (7/4)

  • Labor Day (first Monday of September)

  • Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday of November)

  • Christmas Day (12/25)

Prior to 2020, buses ran limited service (Saturday schedule) on the following holidays:

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (3rd Monday of January)

  • Lincoln's Birthday (February 12)

  • Washington's Birthday / Presidents Day (3rd Monday of February)

  • Veterans Day (November 11)

Beginning January of 2020, SMTD buses will run regular services on the above holidays.


Get public transport directions in the Springfield, IL area using Google Maps!

SMTD's schedule data is used by a variety of web and mobile apps that make planning a transit trip easier than ever! Just enter your origin and destination and they'll take care of the rest!

Get Help by Phone

If you need help reading the bus schedule or finding the nearest bus stop, phone SMTD dispatch at (217) 522-5531 for assistance. Be prepared to indicate:

  • where you are

  • where you want to go

  • what time you want to arrive at your destination

  • when you want to return

Deaf or hard of hearing? ITAC provides free TTY service at 1-800-841-6167

Service Tips

  • Arrive at the bus stop a few minutes early. Wait for the bus near the street corner, passenger shelter, or bus stop sign. Do not wait in the middle of the block. Passengers should not move to board a bus until it is completely stopped and the door is open.

  • Have your pass or cash fare ready. Click here for fare information. Aides for passengers requiring assistance are not required to pay at boarding.

  • Move safely and swiftly towards an available seat. Transit buses are designed to accommodate for standing passengers during peak times. If required to stand, please hold on to the hand rail or seat rail near you to steady yourself when the bus is moving. Leave room at the front of the bus so other passengers boarding after you can do so quickly.

  • Keep aisles, exits, and seats next to you clear. Blocking aisles or exits can slow down the bus. Keep packages, bags, or luggage on your lap or between your feet on buses to avoid blocking aisles and the seat next to you.

  • Passengers should remain seated or stationary while a bus is in motion. Do not stand or attempt to move toward the exit while the bus is still in motion. This increases passenger risk for unnecessary injury.

  • Use the rear door to exit. By exiting at the rear door, people waiting to board the bus can enter immediately. This allows the bus to move faster and keep schedule.

  • Dress appropriately while on SMTD buses or Transfer Centers. Children are frequent passengers of the SMTD services. Clothing or lack of, that could be constituted as revealing or inappropriately exposing private parts of the human body, can result in a restriction from services until the situation has been remedied.

  • Passengers may bring service animals on the vehicle.  Passengers must maintain control of the service animal at all times while on the vehicle.  Disruptive animals will not be permitted on the vehicle. Pets or Emotional Support Animals will only be allowed on the vehicles if they are in a carrier.

  • Drivers are to provide reasonable assistance to passengers when boarding, alighting and securing mobility aides -- if additional assistance is needed by the passenger, the passenger must make arrangements for a personal assistant.

  • Disruptive behavior which may affect the driver or other passengers will not be tolerated.  Repeat offenders risk removal from the vehicle and suspension of service.