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2017 - 2020 Transportation Improvement Program

The Springfield Area Transportation Study (SATS) FY 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a four-year multi-modal program of staged transportation improvements including roads, mass transit, bicycle facilities, pedestrian accommodations, rail projects, and other transportation projects, all of which have identified funding sources.  Projects shown in the “STU Illustrative Projects” list and the “Other Illustrative Projects” list at the end of the document have been identified as high priority projects for which funding is being actively sought.  

Projects in the TIP are consistent with the SATS 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and are part of the vision of an interconnected transportation network. Implementation of the LRTP is carried out by SATS member jurisdictions, other communities in the Metropolitan Planning Area, and the Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission. The TIP is one of two short-term plans prepared each year that document the activities and projects that will be carried out to accomplish the goals of the LRTP. The other document is the Unified Planning Work Program, which outlines planning activities to be undertaken, available on the Commission’s website.

These documents are clear indicators of major improvements planned for the area across multiple modes of transportation, including SMTD.

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