Effective Monday, March 30th, Sangamon Mass Transit District (SMTD) will begin running an emergency reduced schedule, which is similar to current Saturday schedules with the addition of the three hours of night service currently being run during the week. The current schedule books show the Saturday hours for all routes in color. Southwind Park service will remain Saturday only. Saturday service is basically hourly service with the seven busiest routes running periods of every-thirty-minutes service.
Effective Saturday, March 21st, Sangamon Mass Transit District (SMTD) is announcing that all bus travel must be for essential services only. Also, effective Monday, March 23rd, SMTD will end night service at 9:00pm.
Effective Monday, March 23rd, Sangamon Mass Transit District (SMTD) is suspending its urbanized area service to Chatham, Riverton, Rochester, and Sherman due to low ridership during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Beginning March 17th, you will not need to pay to ride any SMTD fixed route bus or the Access Sangamon paratransit service. You don’t have to be a Springfield or Sangamon County resident. There is no paperwork to fill out. If you need the bus, you can take the bus. It’s free to everyone for the duration of this crisis.
Service Updates:
Route 114 UIS Express evening service has been suspended until UIS students return to classrooms.
All supplemental service routes have been suspended until District 186 resumes classes.
All other buses will continue running regular service until further notice.
Preventive Measures:
Bus cleaning frequency has been been increased.
Staff is being instructed to follow CDC guidelines on avoiding illness and what to do if you’re sick.
Staff is being provided appropriate supplies like hand sanitiser, gloves, etc.
Additional, more thorough deep-cleaning utilizing maintenance overtime is being considered.
We continue to monitor county, state, and federal health agencies for the latest information.
How to Stay Informed on SMTD Service Status:
We recommend creating an account on our Bus Tracker page and subscribing to the routes you use often so that you are notified as soon as something changes. We will also be pushing out manual alerts through our Google Transit feed so riders are notified if a route is suspended.
A new schedule will begin on January 6th, 2020 and this gives us an opportunity to update some routes to address reported issues and make the system perform better overall.
Route 6 - Clear Lake / Junction Circle
Now that the Ash Street underpass is open, Route 6 will resume using Ash Street instead of detouring around it via Iles/Oberlin. Some slight changes to the time checks on the inbound portion of the schedule were also made to account for the difference in travel time.
Route 7 - West Washington
Route 7 travels to and from the west side of Springfield and downtown, providing connections both at the downtown transfer center and at White Oaks Mall. These connections must be reliable for them to be useful and the current version of the route is not as reliable as it could be. For comparison, here is a graph of the average on-time performance of Route 7 versus that of Route 3.
Daily On-Time Performance Averages
Though Route 7 sometimes reaches as high as the low to mid-90’s on some days, it’s much more variable - and thus less reliable - than other routes such as the 3. And since the 7 connects to other routes downtown and at the mall, this can create on-time issues that cascade through the rest of the system.
To remedy this, we will be removing a total of 19 stops on Route 7 that have been identified as having low ridership or as being close enough to another stop to warrant consolidation. This brings the average stop spacing of the route from 920 feet to 1,163 feet and allows the bus to reach higher speeds.
The map below shows the stops we will be removing in black, with the remaining stops in blue. Click here to open the map in a new tab/window.
There will also be some slight adjustments to the inbound time checks to ensure the bus does not waste any time getting downtown.
Route 902 - Southeast Side Night Service
The newly-opened Ash Street underpass will also allow the 902 to resume using Ash from 6th Street to MLK Drive inbound. No changes will be made to the timetable.
See a one-sheet flyer here.
Several routes will have detours during the festival and parade this weekend.
On June 3rd of 2019 we published a new schedule that made adjustments to the timetables of several routes in response to data collected from our new intelligent transportation systems. Using new GPS data, we identified several locations where specific routes were consistently running early or late and made tweaks to those schedules to more accurately reflect the actual times of buses on those routes, which in turn makes our schedules more reliable and decreases perceived wait time. The system’s on-time performance has increased significantly as a result.
SMTD buses are also now outfitted with automated passenger counters that - when combined with GPS - can help us determine exactly when and where passengers are getting on or off the bus. This data informs decisions like where to put shelters (you need them when you’re waiting for the bus, not when you get off the bus) and where to increase or cut service. Several changes going live in the Fall 2019 schedule (going into effect on August 19th), are based on this information.
Route 1 - North 5th
After finding enough extra time in the route we opted to add a segment to Route 1 that travels to Walmart on North Dirksen. This is by far the most utilized bus stop in the entire SMTD system outside of those at the Transfer Center, and adding this segment to Route 1 has the following benefits:
Less wait time at other time checks along the route
Quick two-way travel from Walmart to the Sand Hill area and everything between
Spreads passenger load and thus increases on-time performance for other routes that utilize that stop (Routes 2 & 3)
Route 4 - W. Jefferson / W. Lawrence
A small segment was added to Route 4 outbound that detours from E. Cook onto 7th, looping back to E. Cook but stopping by SMTD’s home office along the way. Previously Route 11 was the only daytime route servicing this stop - and only inbound - but this new segment provides direct travel from the Transfer Center to SMTD’s offices.
Route 5 - N. Grand / Medical
Due to low ridership, travel to the Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport was cut from Route 5. The time surplus from this cut will be used to add a segment to the inbound portion of Route 5 that goes from 11th to Carpenter, to MLK, to E. Cook, and then back to the Transfer Center.
Route 8 - South Grand / MacArthur
Further timetable adjustments were made to Route 8 to correct errors in the June 2019 schedule. Additionally, modifications to destination signs will make it easier for those in the Scarritt/Pasfield/Allen loop to determine whether the next bus is headed inbound (“to Transfer Center”) or outbound (“to North Street”).
Route 903 - West Side Night Service
To avoid trains on the 3rd Street rail, Route 903 will no longer take 2nd Street to Washington inbound. Instead, buses will take 2nd Street to Capitol to 4th Street and then to Washington.
All Night Service Routes
All night service buses will start 15 minutes later to facilitate better interaction with the day service routes. The first trips out of the Transfer Center will leave at 6:00 PM while the last will depart at 10:00 PM.
Moving Forward Together
We understand that even minor changes to the system can have huge effects on the lives of our passengers and that a system in constant flux is not a bus system you can rely on. The adjustments made in June and those going into effect in August were designed with this in mind, optimizing the current system so that buses arrive when expected and get you to your destination as quickly and as safely as possible.
SMTD Service to the Illinois State Fair will be similar to recent years. However, there have been a couple of minor additions. Now that Rt. 1 N. 5th goes to Sand Hill, passengers can ride to a stop across the street from Gate 4 on Peoria Road now. Also, Urbanized Area Routes from Sherman and from Riverton/Spaulding pass through the intersection of Sangamon and Peoria Rd at the southeast corner of the fairgrounds on both their inbound and outbound trips in the mornings and evenings. See regular schedules on the Routes page, and see the State Fair Service Flier HERE.
May 18-19 Weekend DETOURS:
Friday: Due to the Old Capitol Art Fair, Night Service Route 903 Inbound will travel 2nd to Monroe to 9th to Adams.
Friday: Beginning at 5:00PM, the Chatham Urbanized Area Route INBOUND will travel Monroe to 9th to the Transfer Center.
Friday at 5:00PM and ALL DAY Saturday:
Rt. 8 S. Grand/MacArthur OUTBOUND will travel Capitol to 7th to Cook to 2nd; INBOUND will travel 2nd to Lawrence to 9th to the Transfer Center.
Friday at 5:00PM and ALL DAY Saturday:
Route 12 Downtown/Medical OUTBOUND will travel Adams to 7th to Cook to 2nd to Washington to 4th.
We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to continue service around multiple downtown events this weekend.
Due to the 5K events this weekend downtown, several routes will experience detours:
11:30am FRIDAY and All Day Saturday
- Rt.12 Downtown/Medical inbound will travel 7th to Madison to 9th to Washington
- Rt. 4 inbound will travel 2nd to Madison to 9th
-Rt. 903 Night Service inbound will travel 2nd to Capitol to 9th to Adams (Friday only; no Saturday night service).
SATURDAY 9:00am to 12:30pm
- Rt. 1 inbound will travel 5th to Madison to 9th to Adams
- Rt. 7 inbound will travel Washington to 2nd to Lawrence to 9th to Adams
- Rt. 8 inbound will travel 2nd to Lawrence to 9th to Washington; outbound will travel Capitol to 9th to Cook to 2nd
- Rt. 11 outbound will travel Capitol to 9th to Cook to 7th
- Rt. 12 outbound will travel Adams to 9th to Cook to 2nd to Madison to 4th
Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon Detours
The path of the Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon between Lincoln Park, Downtown and Washington Park will cause a number of routes to be detoured during the race. The map below shows where routes are going. If you have questions, please contact dispatch. As soon as routes can safely move back to regular routes, they will revert back to normal.
Detours for St. Patrick's Day Parade
Several routes will be affected ALL DAY by Saturday’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade street closures downtown. Thankfully, the new Transfer Center no longer has to be moved for events like these (HURRAY!!!!!). However, the following routes will have detours around downtown on some portion of their outbound and/or inbound trips:
Route 1 - N. 5th/Sandhill - Inbound, instead of traveling 5th to Monroe to 9th, the route will travel 5th to Madison to 9th to Adams on its way to the Transfer Center. So stops on 5th between Madison and Cook will not have service Saturday.
Route 4 - W. Lawrence/W. Jefferson - Inbound, instead of traveling Washington all the way in to the Transfer Center, the route will detour from Washington to 2nd St. to Madison to 9th back to Washington to the Transfer Center. So, stops on Washington between 2nd and 9th will not have service Saturday.
Route 7 - W. Washington - Outbound, instead of taking Jefferson all the way to Lewis, the route will travel 11th to Cook to 2nd to Adams to Lewis to Washington back onto the normal route. All outbound Jefferson stops WILL NOT HAVE SERVICE ON SATURDAY. Inbound, instead of traveling along Monroe from Lewis to 9th, the route will travel Washington to 2nd to Lawrence to 9th to Adams to the Transfer Center. So, all stops on Monroe between Lewis and 9th will NOT have service Saturday.
Route 8 - S. Grand/MacArthur - Outbound and Inbound, Route 8 will not be able to travel Capitol Ave from 9th to 2nd then on to S. Grand. Instead, the route will Travel 9th to Cook to 2nd on the outbound portion and 2nd to Lawrence to 9th to the Transfer Center on the inbound trip. So, stops on Capitol between 2nd and 9th will NOT have service Saturday, and stops on 2nd between Capitol and Cook will NOT have service Saturday.
Route 11 - UIS/LLCC - Outbound, instead of taking Capitol to 7th, Route 11 will take 11th to Cook to 7th back onto normal route. So, stops on Capitol from 11th to 7th will NOT have service Saturday, and stops on 7th between Capitol and Cook will also NOT have service Saturday.
Route 12 - Downtown/Medical - Several portions of Adams, 7th, Capitol, 2nd, Monroe and 4th will not have service on Saturday. The route will travel Adams to 9th to Cook to 2nd to Madison to 4th to Carpenter, then, after the normal MMC portion of Carpenter, the route will take 7th to Madison to 9th to Washington to the Transfer Center. So, stops on Adams between 7th and 9th, stops on 7th between Adams and Monroe, stops on Capitol between 2nd and 7th, stops on 2nd, stops on Monroe between 2nd and 4th and stops on 4th between Monroe and Madison will NOT have service on Saturday.